Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sick. Again.

Have this ick cold right now. I tried to go to work today, but at the train station I realized that I was too yuck to be out in public. So commenced Day 3 of staying home from work.

I've been sick from work about once a month since moving here. I've started to get this down to a science. There's stages of being home sick:

Day 1: lay around and do absolutely nothing but sleep, read, and be happy to not be at work.

Day 2: Feel pretty anxious about all the work stacking up while you're at home. Take energy out on house. Clean everything and do every speck of laundry. Wash hands every 5 minutes. Make fabulous dinner.

Day 3: As mentioned, wake up feeling like crap. Just...don't...want... to enter real world yet! Feel so gross! Not normal. Why do those people on tv look nice and healthy and can breathe through their nose and go out in public and have a glass of wine if they want?? Do not leave bed so that there's no chance of getting nice clean house dirty. Agonize over missed appointments that will take so much work to reschedule.

Day 4: Show up to work. Navigate fine line of looking healthy enough to be at work but not so healthy that it looks like you were lying about being sick.

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