Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Grossness Alert

It wasn't until pretty recently that I realized that when spiders die they shrivel up really, really small. So that dried scrunched up spider the size of a dime-- HUGE!

A few days ago I noticed a dead spider, about the size of a quarter, on our back porch. Then came the rains. It has been raining pretty much nonstop for 3 weeks (ok I lie, Met Service says there were 4 sunny days). Coming up the back porch steps today with laundry basket in hand, I did my habitual check at the big shriveled up spider to make sure it really was dead. Well, it was still dead-- but RECONSTITUTED!!! All that water in the air had plumped him right back up.

Proof-- that the spider was in fact huge during life. And thank goodness it died before making its way through a door or window. ugh!! (Bryce said it died when another bigger spider killed it--!)

I sacrificed my sandal and kicked the spider off the patio onto the dirt and leaves. I swear to you, it made a thud.

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