Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Health Insurance Update

I finally got around to contacting Southern Cross insurance about getting visitor's insurance while we wait for residency. The information I was e-mailed back basically said that if the cost of treating us was more than the cost of an airplane ticket, they would just ship us back to the States-- where we have no health insurance at all. So that's not an option of course. And I realized that there's a department here in NZ called ACC, which funds your medical treatment if you're involved in any type of accident-- even visitor's to NZ. So I'm going to take a gamble and not get health insurance for the few weeks while we wait for our residency to get through. (Our health insurance offered through work is only available to residents). Health insurance really isn't necessary here, but it can make your total outlay smaller in an emergency, and lower premiums for doctor visits and meds (which are already quite inexpensive already).

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