Monday, June 7, 2010

Queen's Birthday

Although it's not celebrated in England, the Queen's Birthday is a holiday here. I had been playing around with the idea of going away for the long weekend (not much to do in NZ-- rainy, cold, and no snow in the mountains yet). Fiji, Samoa, Tasmania, Vanuatu,-- all ideas were nixed in order to save money for a future trip to Australia. Turns out that we lucked out on Fiji; apparently they have a typhoid outbreak right now.

Unfortunately, I woke up today sick and slept through most of the day. I managed to meet up with friends to watch Sex and the City 2-- the movie was pretty bad and too long, but we were expecting that so I wasn't disappointed. I definitely cringed at a lot of parts and many scenes played out pretty awkwardly-- but the ultra critical reviews I read seemed over hyped.

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