Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I'm getting caught up on a lot of TV. American television episodes run a few seasons or weeks behind the States; and go through quarterly rotations so you're always getting caught up in new television shows. There's satelite tv available called Sky but we don't have that, so we're limited to just a few channels: TV1, which plays on 3 channels, TV2, which plays on channel 2, and TV3, which plays on channel 3, and... guess channel 4... nope you're wrong that's called C4, which usually plays music videos all day. There's a Maori channel and a parliament channel and that's about it.

Right now the tv channels are stuck in a totally boring rotation of shows. Survivor. Ug. House. ick.

But Wednesdays, ahhh. Wednesdays you get Flash Forward and Lost. Wednesdays used to be Big Bang Theory day, but that has been replaced by the hideous Cougar Town.

Here's to Wednesday, until Lost's season finale Saturday night! (We're trying to ignore all the American news stories talking about the finale that already played in the States last week.)

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