Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Reading Again

Sometimes I get so busy (doing what, I don't know...) that I get out of the habit of reading. Bryce really took care of me this weekend, saying he knows how much I love to read, and took me to the library (he works right across the square from the huge Wellington Central Library so he can get his own books, but he's not the best at picking out books for me). Our Hutt Library of suburbia doesn't have much of a selection-- mostly historical romance novels. I've started to get pretty good at picking up modern looking books (they usually have some artsy photo on it). We discovered this cool shelf, the "Just Returned" shelf containing books that apparently the librarians haven't had time to shelve. Eureka!!

We found tons of great books on this shelf, including The Memory Keeper's Daughter, which sounded familiar to me when I picked it up. (Turns out several of my coworkers have read it). I definitely recommend it. It was an easy, enjoyable read, and has stayed with me over the past few days. Basically the book goes into explaining how people make choices that can seem so shocking on the outset. I remember realizing around age 19 or so that things aren't black and white (a startling revelation at the time), and this book helps expand on that premis. The book has several other themes, like questioning what a "good life lived" actually is. (The book centres around a girl with Downs Syndrome who leads a happy life that is fulfilling for her).

I also read The Book of Names-- a very quick read; I think I read it in about 5 hours. Definitely not a life changing book but I couldn't put it down.

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