Friday, May 28, 2010


Not to be too flip, but it's interesting that the week where the situation in S. Korea appears to really be approaching "war mode" is the same week that we try out Korean food for the first time. We went out with a fellow UW alumn and her roommates.

It was pretty yum; it was really neat to roast our food over a wood fire in the centre of our table. Had a Korean beer too, called Cass, and some pretty nice stuff called Soju. Reading up on Wiki, Soju costs about $3-4 US in Korea, but it cost about $10 US at the restaurant in Wellington.

There were small rooms in the restaurant that were rented out for karaoke, so you could have your own little karaoke party. It was pretty awesome. No one thought that they were a good singer, so there was just this fun, laid-back vibe of everyone singing their hearts out. Everyone was super outgoing. Highlights included the fact that I apparently remember every word to the "Barbie Girl" song. ;-)

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