Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Cinnamon rolls for Christmas mornings is becoming sort of a tradition around here. Bryce loves to open up presents early, so we had Christmas morning today. We popped the Christmas crackers (joke inside: Who did the skeleton dance with at the party? No body.) He got me some cute tui and pukeko pins that I had admired at a store and... a hand mixer! Finally no more mixing with a fork. And I can make pav's and cream won't be hellish to whip up.. whoo hoo! We had been talking about how funny it is that I've been stubborn the whole time I've lived here about breaking down and buying one. While a mixer can cost about $15 at Walmart, the cheapest ones that we could find were $35-45, on sale. I gave Bryce a piece of mountain-y artwork called the "Southern Alps."

I made an apple pie while Bryce did the lawn for the last time. Off to the beach. It was windy but warm, warm enough to wear my sundress from Aus that I like to call my mumu. We sat there sipping our wine. It was hard to realize that he was leaving in less than a day. Every time I thought of it, I gave him a hug. I've been imagining him gone for so long that when I see him, I'm a little surprised.

The pohutukawas are gorgeous today.

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