Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Life isn't a rehearsal!!

I'm trying to learn how to be a medical SLP so that I can be more marketable (esp in NZ). Today I went to a nursing home in Renton to follow an SLP for a few hours. S. was great and even invited me to observe her for a whole weekend in a few weeks! While she was writing up notes at a nurse's station, we could overhear the news broadcasting from a nearby TV area. The news was about the stimulus package and the economy... S. looked at me and said something like, Can you believe all this happening? I told her that we were taking off to NZ and weren't going to wait around for the economy to get better; it could take years. She basically told me, Good for You and then said that this mess has made her realize that you aren't really as secure as you think you are, which she said was kind of freeing in a way.
I like that way of looking at things, and told her so. She said her sister has a quote,
Life isn't a rehearsal!!

Later we went over a client list that showed that someone just passed away over the weekend. The computer software actually stated, "Expired." Not a very compassionate term... S. was unsure of how I would react to that and just looked at me. I said, "Oh she went to the play."

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