Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mystery Solved

This is what Grandma said:

Grandma and Grandpa VanderSanden came to America around 1905, so by the time I was a little girl, they had been here many years. What I remember was called Yankee Dutch, (a cross between Dutch and English). That made me remember I could understand them because they were using both languages. Can't give you the correct spelling on this, but Grandma would make a little fist and shake it at you if you were doing something wrong ("Oh how my hunda taka")meaning she would like to take her hand to you. (She never did though) She did the use the correct Dutch words for butter (boter) cheese (kaas), bread (broodt)and small (klein). Remember her saying Kleina younga often.

Ok then! I'm pretty proud of myself that I remembered oh how my honda taka correctly after all.

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