Monday, January 24, 2011

Keep on truckin

Figuring out my itinerary for when I go to the States. It's now been a month since Bryce has left, only 2 more months to go! It makes me feel good to know that I'm already a 1/3 of the way into this. I know 2 weeks of it was when Tara was here, but I'm pretty hopeful that the next two months will be fun and will go quickly. Talked with Bryce, Laura, and Geoff forever today, it was good to just hang out.

Had a great Mexican dinner of enchilladas made with refried beans with chipotle, imported from Mexico. mmm.

I was pretty happy to wake up in my own bed this morning, and I've been pretty ecstatic all day just to be home. I would have an eventful sail across the Cook Strait in front of me tomorrow, if I was still on the sail boat.

Update as of 1/7/11: I can now say that this was the day that Laura and Geoff told me they were expecting!! Due in September :-)

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