Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy Places

I have a few places that I consider my happy place. When I think back on these happy places, I wonder, why did I ever leave? Why didn't I stay there all day? Besides the ever present and wonderful happy place of Bryce's yummy bear hugs, my happy places are:

  • Sailing in the middle of Union Bay, alone or with a friend, relaxing in the sun.
  • Drifting off to sleep on the beach in Rio; the matronly, confident women lounging around me making me comfortable to wear a bikini in public for the first time since I was 12.
  • Laying on a warm, flat rock in the sun in the middle of Denny Creek.
  • Standing at the alter, watching the waves crashing and being married.
  • Watching the sea turtles swimming near me on the beach at Kealakeua Bay.
  • Sitting in the thermal wonderfulness of Kerosene Creek in Rotorua.
  • Relaxing in the waves in Coromandel Bay and Cathedral Cove, thinking how much my mom would love this!

Didn't realize that the list would all have to do with water! Should have known.

Just had the Rotorua and Coromandel experience during this last road trip. That means that that was a high scoring trip! Just think that we weren't going to do the trip because of budget constraints. Bryce and I remembered that when we had more money, time was what we wanted the most.

Nice warm creek-- about 95 degrees F

1 comment:

Homespun said...

GREAT list. Love all the warm weather/water images, especially when it's so cold here! ---Tara