Sunday, July 25, 2010

Like the telephone game

Well the saga of the Dutch family saying continues. My family is having their family reunion for my maternal grandmother's side of the family (the Dutch side). I wanted my great great uncle Gary to be asked what he thought his mother originally said-- which was eventually passed down to my grandma and then to me (My mom has never used it).

Last night I asked Josien to write down what she thinks my grandma says. While I think my grandma says:

Oh how my honda taka (or a variation of)...

Josien wrote out that it loosely translates into:

Oh hoe mijn handen jeuken/tikken. (Josien said that the idiom usually uses the word "jeuken" but that maybe my family says "tikken," which means tickle).

That's pretty dang close! Funny how the words get watered down through the generations. The idiom roughly translates into how your hands are itching to do something.

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