Monday, July 5, 2010

1st day

Well it was another 1st day of work for me again today. My new team had decorated my desk with an American flag and McDonald's happy meal toy fries and a toy burger. (Ironic since I made us stop for McD's on Sunday on the way home from the mountain).

I observed a teacher for the deaf do a home visit-- it was really interesting. The child had bilateral cochlear implants; I didn't realize that that was done but apparently it is getting more common (at least in NZ, I have no idea one way or the other in the States).

Since we were gone skiing all weekend, Bryce and I had to have a very hungry trip grocery shopping. We bought things we never usually buy, like juice and fish sticks and canned chilli-- here's our creation that we're awfully proud of-- chilli in a bread bowl! Totally hit the spot.

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