We headed to Animates to look at the adorable puppies and then went to the French cafe next door. We realized that we know of 3 French cafes here; they all have French owners and employ French speaking staff. I don't know of any French cafes in Seattle (not saying that they don't exist, just that I'm not aware of them).
We parked downtown and caught the Saturday morning market at Frank Kitts Park. I got some paua jewelry there as gifts; a carved whale bone caught Bryce's eye that we might go back and get later.
On the way to the market we noticed kids playing in inflatable balls on the water.
Off we went to the City Museum, but unfortunately they were changing over exhibits so only a few rooms were open. There was a movie playing of a woman who documented her iwi- leader father getting facial tattoos-- but then in the next scenes he is in a hospital bed being sung Bob Marley redemption song. It was so sad; I couldn't believe that this woman set out to document her father and then he passes away (the next scenes were of his funeral, where his family sung for him again). It was very moving, to see him in life and then go through the tragedy.
After a very round-about journey to find the zoo (the directions online said to "follow the signs" which were not really obvious), we finally found it. There's a zoo cafe out front where miniature monkeys play and watch you through a window. There were blue penguins there (they quack like ducks) and really cool giraffes that were eating up close to us. I had forgotten how huge ostriches were. Apparently a cheetah was watching and stalking me, but I didn't even notice, Bryce says he understands now why I'm afraid of animals out in the wild ;-).
The absolute best part of the whole trip and whole day was the nocturnal kiwi exhibit. We pretty much had the whole place to ourselves. Once our eyes got used to the dark, we found 2 kiwis. They were soo so so cool. It was so fun to listen for them walking around. You could see their big beaks digging for bugs in the leaves. At one point, one kiwi started making noises and called to the other kiwi, who answered back in the most haunting way. It was amazing.
After the zoo we headed to the Mediterranean market in Newtown. We bought some capellini pasta to try out later at home. At the attached pizzeria, we ordered a pizza and a bottle of wine, which the man at the deli said we had to drink while we were there due to licensing issues. So we stayed there about 2 hours, having a wonderful dinner.
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