Early this morning I called ASHA and told them that I wanted the form that said I wanted the dealer authorization form for the Subaru discount. My "clever" little plan didn't really work. The lady at ASHA took down all my information, which she said she was sending to my nearest Subaru dealership. I asked her if she was sending a statement to Subaru saying that I was in good standing with ASHA, but she shoo shoo'd that and basically said that they don't specifically tell Subaru that. Meaning that part of the advertisement that says you have to me 6 months of "good standing" with ASHA to get a discount was B.S. So that phone call was a waste of time. What's better, Ballard Subaru then called about an hour later about the car I want!
You know the bad part? Bryce and I even thought it over for a second-- but then realized the $1500 discount only applies to new cars (we never want to get a new car).
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