I'm in their miiiiinds.
This whole issue of jaywalking is a big one for me. Wellington is dealing with many pedestrian injuries/deaths lately and are grasping at straws trying to figure out what to do about it. They've lowered the speed limit to 30 kms (That is 18mph people!) They have started a small advertizing campaign about safe crossing. They considered erecting barriers along the footpath, but data from Europe show that pedestrians jump over those barriers, making crossing in front of cars even more dangerous. Next, the city is hiring a psychologist to help relate to the pedestrians.
Police in Wellington do not ticket jaywalkers.
I've mentioned to acquaintances that giving out jaywalking tickets would solve the problem. I've received various responses:
- Guffaw!! (askance smile to neighboring non American)
- Seems a little Big Brother doesn't it?
- Wellington can't make a city law for the police to enforce, as the police are national (well okay that makes sense then).
- The police have better things to do than to hand out tickets to pedestrians!
- The police department and city do not have the money to employ officers to hand out tickets. (The local newspaper, the Dominion Post, reported in July 2011: "The Dominion Post counted 336 people crossing against the traffic signals at the intersection of Willis St, Willeston St and Lambton Quay between 1pm and 1.30pm on Wednesday." ) (dude, they generate revenue k?)
There is something seriously wacky going on with the Wellington pedestrian for sure. I've made it my personal mission to honk some sense into any idiot who strays across my path when I have a green light. Yeah I see your snotty look you brat. But now you're deaf. ha ha!
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