Call us crazy, well specifically me.
I love spring, the warmth, the longer days. I've got a four day weekend starting.
Riding the bike(motor), hiking, sitting in sun, drinking in the sun, sleeping... in the sun.
But I noticed a feeling about 2 months ago.
Stronger than ever I felt it.
Nostalgia? Sadness?
I'd walk into a "post ski season sale" and feel.... well in a word, mopey.
I'm always torn as the days get longer and the tempartures wamer, sure I can run/hike/hike/camp/climb more. But what about the snowboarding. Honestly the longer days of April make me feel like post work skiing more than ever and that's when most resorts shut down.
Alas. the restless souls that make up the royal "we" have decided to move to the Southern Hemisphere. I didn't even have to develop this evil genius plan.
"Genius Plan" you ask...
It's May.. um 21st....
The average NW resort has dwindled to a 20-30" base and a 50-80" summit. I've earned my turns at paradise and again soon at hood.
But what does my wistful eyes see when researching NZ season passes. 80cm base (30" for you yanks) and a record early open.
To which I can only respond %)#)$ WHY CAN'T WE LEAVE SOONER?!?
My little understanding of things says things happen for a reason.
So America, see you later.
New Zealand, see you soon, alas not soon enough.Oh, and welcome to the 70 day "season" of snowboarding.
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