Well today's the start of my 30th year. Bryce gave me a birthday card that said, "My wife..." on the front-- wow that gave me a start! I suppose sometimes I forget.
We walked to Wasabi Bistro for yummy Happy Hour. I got upset when after dinner he waited for me outside while I was in the bathroom-- seriously who does that! I had no idea he was outside; I pictured either he was seriously ill or being molested or something in the bathroom! I even knocked on the men's bathroom to see if he was ok. I was so mad at him that I decided the only way for me to get over it was if he bought me a birthday cake. He didn't think this was fair but nevertheless off we went to Macrina Bakery-- On the way, while crossing a street, some random guy passing us said, "Julie!" Before I even knew what I was doing, I was hugging this guy who was my cousin Eli that I haven't seen in a couple of years. I blubbered that it was my birthday and that we just moved downtown; it turns out he lives just a block away from us but is going on tour with his band tomorrow for 6 weeks.
We parted ways and Bryce got me a cupcake that was basically chocolate ganache encircling a hunk of peanut butter. mmmm.
There's a lesson here. Would you like for me to tell you it? It is that even when something doesn't go exactly your way (i.e., being ditched at a restaurant on your birthday) it's ok because fate sometimes intervenes to make those lemons turn into lemonade (i.e., seeing my cousin and getting a cupcake out if it!)
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